Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Roma day 2!

Ciao tutti,
So our second day in Rome we had an orientation tour for the UW rome center and then our ital studies group went around the neighborhood around where our apts are. Then we went and got cell phones. my number is 339 7187289. in case of any emergencies. Also its free for me if anybody calls me, even from the US, which is cool. Then we walked around and I got pasta for lunch, super good. and Then we walked over to see the boys apartment which is about 20 min away from ours across the Tevere (The Tiber river) . Then we went to the supermarket, which are all under department stores which is weird. Imagine a grocery store under Macys. then we all walked to the Pantheon, which was amazing!!! Unfortunately my camera died before i could take any pictures of it, which stunk. but the architecture of it was soooo amazing! carved marble, and the detail was so intricate. Che bellisimo! We were super hungry by the time we got back to our apartment so we went to the nearest restaurant which was super expensive, because it was made for american tourists. haha oh well it was soooo yummy! haha ok well i gotta go.
Ci vediamo!

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