Monday, March 29, 2010

Arrivo a Roma!

Ciao tutti!!!
So I have successfully arrived in Rome!!!! Its so amazingly wonderful. We woke up super early to catch our flight. But when we got to the airport we were starving and so thirsty. So we stood in a really long line because they had this juice and pastry deal, but when we got to the front of the line they had no pastries! We were so sad, and then as soon as we sit down they get a whole bunch more, but there was still a line out the door. We were not happy. Anyways, so we got on a plane and arrived in rome and met the majority of our group and tried to find our way to the center of rome. We successfully found the train station and bought the right ticket, but then got on the wrong train. haha. It ended up working out, we had to take a cab from where we got off and had to pay a bunch of extra money, but we did find the UW Rome center. We checked in and found our apartment. I love the apartment! we got the best one!!! I am with 10 other girls in my program and we are literally 30 seconds from where our classes are and right in the center of Il Campo dei fiori, which has a great little market right outside of our door. The 8 of us who were in then went and walked around the area, and since most of us were starving, we went to a little Pizzeria. It was sooo good!!! and it tasted especially good since Lauren and I hadn't had a real meal since friday night. Tomorrow we are getting an orientation tour for the Rome Center and around the neighborhood, and I think classes start on Wednesday.
p.s the pictures are of my room and the view from our window. I am in heaven.

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