Sunday, March 28, 2010

Barcelona day 2

Ciao tutti!
So last post was on friday after we got to Barcelona. We went dancing that night, and ended up coming back and talking till 8 am, and then we were planning to take a short nap before we started our day, but we slept till 4 pm. So our day was basically shot. We did go and see La Segrada Familia! Its the most beautiful construction site in the world! It was started in late 1800s i think, and was never finished, so over the years they have added more and more, and they hope to have it finished in 2025. I did a project my senior year of high school on Barcelona, and La Segrada Familia has been one of the things I have been dying to see. And I finally did! Thanks to Mrs. Martinez, my high school spanish teacher. :-)
After that we were starving, so we went to this pastry place and got the most amazing churro I have ever had. It was perfect with this light cream, sort of like banana or lemon cream. It was soooo good!!!! (especially since we hadn't had anything to eat all day!)
So next we tried to go to the Picasso Museum, but it was closing and it was going to be free on sunday, so we decided to go today instead.
After that we just went to a supermarket (which are all under department stores interestingly enough) and got sandwich stuff for dinner. It was earth hour, so we turned off the lights and watched as they turned off all the lights in Barcelona! (more or less). After that we went down to the water front where the '92 Olympics were, which is the ultimate club spot in Barcelona. We paid way to much for a crazy dance club, but it was still fun.
We didn't stay out too late (stupid time change) and then went back to get a few hours sleep before we had to get up for a very full day today.

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