Friday, May 7, 2010

loving rogliano!

Ciao tutti!
So we finally have wifi at the cultural center where we have class everyday, so it will be easier for me to update this. BUT so far I am looooooooving Rogliano! Its a small town, but I feel like I am getting a true Italian experience. My family is sooooo nice, they wait on me hand and foot, its crazy! My little brother Aldo is such a ham (probably not unlike myself when I was younger) haha he reminds me of Scott, always playing with some sort of ball, he loooooves soccer! They are slowly making me a soccer fan. Wednesday was the big game between Roma and Inter to decide the "CopaItalia" or the Champion of Italy in their devision. I was for Roma (of course) but unfortunately they lost 1-0 :-( Aldo HATES Inter so he was very upset, but Vanessa's dad Francesco loves Inter so he was rubbing it our faces. I eat dinner alot with Vanessa's mom's family, which I like because my friend Michelle lives there, and she has 2 younger sisters names Zulieka and Ester who are really really nice. My Italian is getting loads better! I am constantly thinking and talking in italian, so I apologize if my english sounds a bit like Yoda right now, but I am so used to thinking in Italian. It is a little hard because everyone here also speaks dialect which I can't understand at all. For example the phrase "ciao come stai?" in dialect is "We, comu sta?" so its very different, but when my family talks to me they speak in Italian which i can usually understand.
So far I haven't done much. On our way here to Rogliano we stopped for a night in Paestum where there are these amazingly preserved ancient Greek temples (and a beach too!). So that was cool. But in Rogliano I usually just go to school eat and talk Italian. The food is is ammmmmmazing!!!!!! I am trying to get Vanessa to teach me how to cook. But its sooo much food! and Vanessa gets really sad if i don't eat all of it, I have definitely learned to use the phrase "sono piena" meaning I'm full alot! But she is slowly understanding i want smaller portions, which is nice. I also try to walk as much as I can. Yesterday we went and saw the University of Cosenza (a bigger town about 20 min away) and then walked around the town of Cosenza. We ended up hiking to this really cool medieval Castle on the top of this huge hill that was really cool.
Ok I have to go because my computer is about to die, but Overall I am having a blast and I love my family!
Ci Vediamo!

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