Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mothers day!

Happy mother's day mommy!!!
Ciao tutti! Happy mothers day to all the mothers who are reading this! (probably just my mom and nanni)
Nothing much has happened since I last wrote. My family is still great! This weekend there was a hot air balloon (mongolfiere) or something like that festival in a town nearby. so sat afternoon/night we all went to that. It was super cool, but the Hotair balloon rides had closed by the time we got there, which was sad. BUT michelle's sister Ester really wanted an animal and there was a booth that you could pay 2 euro and pick a number and that number would correspond with an animal (fish, turtle, etc) anyways Ester scrounged up enough money to go buy one. and she let Aldo (my little brother) pick the number and he picked 75. Guess what 75 was? a Pulino! or a little baby chick! So her mom wasn't too happy about it, but it was cute. so they brought it home to their house (thank goodness, Aldo was set on bringing it home to ours) and apparently it didnt stop chirping all night, so Michelle took it and slept with it! ah! (I have a slight fear of birds). His name is Michael Paolino. Aldo liked the name Michael and Ester liked the name Paoloino. For a while though Aldo wanted to name him Scott!!! Scott he always remembers your name! anyway today we are going to see Cesare (my host dad) play soccer for Rogliano, and speaking of that I have to get back. Love and miss you all! Ci Vediamo!
p.s RIP Michael Paolino. :-(

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