Sunday, April 25, 2010

Last week in Rome. :-(

Ciao tutti!
So this will be my last week in Rome before we leave for rogliano to live with host families for the rest of the program. Last week we switched internship groups, which is too bad because I really liked my other group. The new group is super far away and they don't really seem to have much of an agenda for us to do everyday. Thursday we just followed them while they got a lesson on ancient broken shards of pottery, not the most exciting thing in the world. oh well, tomorrow both groups are meeting together because the interns just finished culture week (where all the museum's in italy are free) so we are all celebrating with them, which should be really fun! Friday after we went and saw some baroque churches with Caravaggio stuff in them we went to the Vatican Museum! The first part of the museum is a bunch of roman statues of emperor's and mythology. It was really cool, especially since I love mythology. After that we saw Raphael's "School of Athens" which was pretty impressive, and finally the Sistine Chapel. The chapel is soooo immense and detailed. We were very very very tired by this point, which was too bad, but it was still amazing. Then Sat, it was raining but I did get some gift shopping done (get excited everyone!) but then i got a stomach ache from some salad i ate for dinner, so last night was a down night for me.
But today was amazing! It was warm and sunny so some of us walked to the Villa Borghese, which is this huge park right above the spanish steps. It was so nice and picturesque, people were doing rollerblading tricks and out with their kids. We just sat on the grass and enjoyed the warm sun while doing some homework. It was so peaceful and relaxing. Really worth the long walk. Ok well I gotta go eat some dinner. Ciao tutti!

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