Ciao tutti!
So last weekend we went to Assisi for friday to saturday. It was amazing! It was seriously like a storybook. Our hostel was about a 20 min hike from the city (which our professor forgot to tell us about, so all i brought was flats and sandal, which was not a good idea) but the view was absolutely amazing. We even saw a dove right next to an olive tree. It was cool, in an ironic symbolic kind of way. Its in the county of umbria, which is what you think of when you think of the green hills of italy. After we checked in at our hostel we went down and explored the town for a bit. Unfortunately it was super cold and rainy (i guess in part because of the volcano in Iceland) the town is super cute, with lots of nice shops around. We even met a guy who is friends with Rick Steves (the guy who writes those travel guides) He was funny, friendly Fabrizio was his name, and he gave us free samples of different Umbrian foods which were super good. After we got back from to the hostel, we had the most amazing dinner ever! It was a true italian 4 course meal. We started with the bread (melt in your mouth amazingness) which was the antipasti, then we had the primo piatto which is pasta. They made us lasagna, which is by far the best pasta I have had here in Italy. Nothing compares to how amazing that lasagna was. Then the secondo piatto, which was sausage and a backed potato with some backed cheese too. It was good, but not nearly as good as the lasagna. Then for dessert they had this coffee pudding thingy that was actually quite good. So after this huge meal we were all very tired and just crashed.
The next day we all got up early to go to San Francesco's Basilica . It is gorgeous with all these amazing fresco's (paintings on the walls) of San Francesco's life. and I saw his tomb too. Also outside there was a bride going inside to get married, with the most amazing dress i've ever seen. Also the groom drove up in a lamborghini, which was pretty sweet to see.
Anyways after that we shopped around for a while, then we hiked up to this castle called La Rocca Magiore. It had the most amazing views of the city and countryside ever! The castle was super cool too, there were all these amazing lookouts that we had to climb sketchy spiral stairs to go to. But there was this long scary tunnel that could have come straight out of lord of the rings or harry potter. hehe
I loved assisi, If i wanted the quite picturesque countryside I could definitely live there. I loved the art in Florence, but the actual city wise i liked Assisi waaaaay better.
Ok well I have intership super early tomorrow, so I have to sleep now.
Ciao ciao!
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