Ciao from Berlin!
So Berlin has been named the coolest city in Europe, of which I have to agree, it is a cool city. Its very modern, but a cool modern, using angles and lots of glass. Berlin is one of the cheaper cities in Germany so it is a central point for all the artist type, which gives it a pretty cool (I’m going to use that word a lot, see if you can count how many) vibe.
So we got to Berlin around 4ish on Friday after a 6-hour train ride from Amsterdam. We got ready and went and saw the Brandenburg gate, the famous gate where Reagan gave his speech telling Gorbachev to tear down the wall. It’s where all the millions of people came in ’89 when the wall finally fell. We caught it just at sunset, which was great. Then we went to the memorial for the Jews that died in the holocaust, it was a bunch of cement blocks that are supposed to represent the tombs of those who died, they range in size, and also the ground dips and rises as you reach the center. It is a really cool memorial, quite well done, one of my favorites. Then we went to the Reichstag building, which is the parliament building. It has a cool glass dome that you can walk up with a bunch of mirrors in this cool inverted triangle sort of a thing. It would have been really cool if we weren’t so hungry, so by this time it was 9 and we really hadn’t had anything since breakfast. So after that we booked it to the nearest restaurant and impressed the waitress by how much food we ordered. It was amazing. Then we went out looking for this cool club thing our guide told us about, but on the way we went up in some building which had graffiti all over it, and was filled with different art exhibits, all the starving artist seem to come to this area of Berlin and showcase their work, a lot of which is really cool. We finally found the club thing, which is this big area of sand with club/bars surrounding it. There were bands playing and people just chilling drinking by fires having a good time. It was fun just to relax and hang out with our whole group.
Ok so today we got to sleep in (finally!) I think that was the first time this whole trip I have gotten more than 5 or so hours of sleep, no joke. Then we had a guided bus tour, which showed us all the cool places in Berlin. We saw the Hitler’s bunker where he killed himself. Then we went to this place, which has the largest remaining part of the Berlin wall. Every few years they invite these international graffiti artists to come and paint it. It’s really cool! My favorite was one with the famous picture of the kiss between East German leader Erich Honecker and his Soviet counterpart Leonid Brezhnev. Then Sora and I signed part of the wall!!!! I signed the Berlin wall; pretty cool I’d say. After that we went to the Checkpoint Charlie museum, which tells the stories of all the escape attempts across the wall to West Berlin. One story they hid this girl in the passenger seat of a car, like she was sitting inside the seat. Another family made their own airplane from getting directions by reading a book from the library. Some of the stories and pictures were quite amazing. Checkpoint Charlie for those who don’t know was the checkpoint for internationals going from the American sector in West Berlin to East Berlin. After this we took a break before we went to this street where they had huge screens of the football (soccer for all you Americans) going. We watched the USA lose a heartbreaking match to Ghana. I seemed to have inherited my father’s terrible luck for picking the sports teams, Italy being eliminated in the first round! Gah! So now I’m back in my hotel packing, we leave for Prague tomorrow! I posted pictures on facebook if you would like to see more! Ciao!